cPanel Fundamental Quiz Question and Answers.

Correct answers are in Red colour.

1.TRUE/FALSE: An NS record in a DNS zone points to a domain name, not an IP address.

2.Which of the following are MySQL storage engines that are available on cPanel environments? (Select all that apply.)

3. Which of the following is one of the text commands that are issued between mail servers when an email is sent?

4.In order to consider a domain to be owned by you, where does a name need to be purchased or otherwise assigned from?
A registrar
A web host
The cPanel Domain Store

5.Which of the following options best describes the primary role of the cPanel software?
cPanel automates processes so that web hosting becomes simpler.
cPanel generates graphical interfaces to create a more visual environment.
cPanel acts as a version control management system for developers.
cPanel acts as a hub for users to share recipes and discuss best cast-iron practices.

6.What do SSL certificates use to establish encryption?
Satellite links
Bank routing numbers

7.What is the textual information containing additional data on the email and its sender that is added to every email sent referred to as?
The email header
The email card
The email store
The email preface

8.How does a sending mail server identify where the recipient's mail server is?
By using the domain shown after the @ symbol in the recipient email address.
By prompting the sender client for a destination IP address.
By broadcasting a signal to the Global Email Network (GEN) calling out for mail servers that are expecting an email from the sender's address.
By printing it out and transporting it to the local post office to handle.

9.What is the primary role of a domain?
To easily identify the address of the server hosting the website.
To store the files used to display content to web browsers.
To provide a formal name to use for the website.
Domains are an old, obsolete standard that is no longer necessary, but still in use due to familiarity.

10.What is the numerical value of the read permission, when assigning permissions to a file?

Using the domain shown above, what is the .com portion of the domain referred to as?

The top-level domain
The domain extension
The domain suffix
The second-level domain

12.Which of the following statements best describes email encryption?
Email encryption is used to make sure that only authorized people can read its data.
Email encryption is used to secure the actual transport of the message from one server to the next.

Email encryption swaps out words in the email's body with new ones, based on a pre-defined code provided to your mail client.
Email encryption is used to decrypt confusing messages with many grammar and spelling mistakes.

13.Which of the following options best describes cPanel as a product?
Web Hosting Control Panel
File Management Interface
Operating System
First-Person Shooter

14.Which of the following are NOT considered a system "resource"?
Disk Space
Link Referrals

15.Which of the following items do NOT need to be identified in a MySQL grant?
MAC address

16.What is the default MySQL storage engine used in cPanel & WHM environments?

17.Which of the following are NOT a type of record you would find in a DNS zone?
A record
MX record CNAME record
NMAP record

18.What kind of DNS query is performed when a server has not seen a domain before?
Recursive query
Fully-qualified query
Top-level query
Root query

19.Which of the following web hosting-related roles does cPanel NOT play?
Provides an interface to manage your domain.
Provides web hosting for your domain.
Provides automation for otherwise complex tasks.
Provides methods for easily backing up, managing, and changing access privileges of your files.

20.What does MySQL use to perform quick lookups on tables?

21.To change the amount of resources allocated to your cPanel account, who would you need to contact?
cPanel Support
Your Hosting Provider
Your Internet Service Provider
Human Resources

22.Which of the following protocols transmits information in clear text?

23.Which of the following permission types does NOT allow you to read a file's contents?
All of these permissions will allow you to read the file.

24.What type of server's primary role is to take in requests for domain names and respond with an appropriate address?
A name server
A domain server
A web host server
A file server
A BF1942 server

25.What does it mean to be a fully-qualified domain name?
That the complete domain successfully points to a specific computer or host.
That the domain is eligible for consideration to be added into the "global DNS".
That hosted site on this domain is confirmed to be compatible with all major web browsers.
That the domain has been officially approved for use by the NSF.

26.What is the name of the interface that server administrators log into?
WebHost Manager (WHM)
cPanel Account Interface
Admin Control Panel (ACP)
cPanel Administrators Portal (CAP)

27.Which of the following methods can be used to potentially determine your hosting provider? (Select all that apply.)
Using the WHOIS record
Identifying the DNS servers' (nameservers) domain name.

Determining the checksum of the numbers in your IP address and cross-referencing it with the National Hosters Index (NHI).
Calling the 1800WHO-SMY-HOST host identification hotline.
